NUR 590 Evidence Based Practice Project Week 5 Discussion

NUR 590 Evidence Based Practice Project

NUR 590 Evidence Based Practice Project Week 5 Discussion

Week 5 Discussion

DQ1 Identify the components of implementing your evidence-based practice project. What has been the most difficult component, and why? What do you think has gone well? Provide one piece of advice you would give to a colleague about the implementation process.

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Evidence-based practice (EBP) plays a critical role in improving patient outcomes. Through an EBP process, various problems in the clinical setup can be identified, and evidence-supported solutions implemented to solve them. However, in most cases, the implementation of EBP in nursing faces various barriers or obstacles (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2022). The implication is that these barriers or obstacles have to be overcome if the process has to be successful.  Several barriers exist. One of the barriers is the potential lack of support from the organizations. Organizational leadership can fail to support EBP implementation due to various reasons (Alqahtani et al., 2022). For example, there is the fear of the unknown and resistance to a potential change due to a lack of knowledge. Implementation of EBP may also require resources such as financial resources. However, inadequate resources can impact the implementation process negatively. The next potential barrier to EBP implementation is inadequate knowledge among the nurses tasked with the implementation process. The implementation process may be a complex process that requires adequate knowledge. However, nurses may, at times, lack such knowledge leading to failure in the EBP implementation.

Another potential barrier to EBP implementation is the lack of sufficient time for implementation. Sometimes an identified problem may call for a faster resolution. Unfortunately, the EBP process usually takes time. As such, in the face of such inadequate time, there are higher chances that the EBP implementation may fail (Boswell & Cannon, 2022). As earlier indicated, it is important to overcome such obstacles or barriers for a successful implementation of EBP. One mentioned obstacle is a lack of knowledge or uncertainty regarding the EBP process, which includes a lack of adequate knowledge in areas such as appraising and critiquing literature relevant to the clinical problem to be addressed. This obstacle can negatively impact the implementation of my proposed EBP since it can lead to the identification of weak evidence or irrelevant evidence hence leading to the failure of the EBP implementation.

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NUR 590 Evidence Based Practice Project Week 5 Discussion References

Alqahtani, J. M., Carsula, R. P., Alharbi, H. A., Alyousef, S. M., Baker, O. G., & Tumala, R. B. (2022). Barriers to implementing evidence-based practice among primary healthcare nurses in Saudi Arabia: A cross-sectional Study. Nursing Reports12(2), 313-323.

Boswell, C., & Cannon, S. (2022). Introduction to nursing research: Incorporating evidence-based practice. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2022). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

DQ2 Identify two stakeholder barriers you might experience during the implementation phase of your evidence-based practice project. This could range from support of the evidence-based project proposal to communication gaps. How could you address these problems?

Cohesive collaboration is critical to an organization’s survival and success. Implementation plans may face numerous challenges as a result of a lack of understanding of the issues affecting an organization. This lack of knowledge is prevalent in many organizations where leaders and management are disconnected from the day-to-day operations that help the organization run. When a person rises through the ranks of an organization to a position of leadership, they gain knowledge and experience that other managers would lack if they hired from outside. The person who rises through the ranks has a better understanding of how the organization works, its weaknesses, its strengths, and how it needs to function in order to survive. Nothing will get done if there is a disconnect between stakeholders in higher positions and those responsible for day-to-day operations.

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Some of the things that one might experience during the implementation phase are resistance and timing. “Lack of time is often cited as a barrier to implementing EBP. In addition, uncertainty or lack of knowledge about the EBP process is also a barrier, which includes critiquing and appraising the literature related to the clinical problem being addressed” (Ginex, 2018). In busy hospitals lack of time to study and understand new changes and policies can be a barrier. On time of this, resistance to change can also be a barrier. In there is already a flow that nurses are accustomed to even if it is chaotic, having to change that flow requires learning something new or changing ones workflow habits and that can cause resistance to change.

The one suggestion I would give to a fellow colleague would be for them to ask questions, slow down the pace in order for them to understand the new policy and give themselves time to become accustom to it and to always remember that it will take them time to learn something new before they can master it.

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NUR 590 Evidence Based Practice Project Week 5 Discussion Reference:

Ginex, P. (2018). Overcome Barriers to Applying an Evidence-Based Process for Practice Change. Retrieved from

Stakeholders are the people involved in carrying out the process under review or individuals who become affected with the change in practice (“John Hopkins Nursing”, 2021). It is important to determine the potential stakeholder barriers that will be encountered in order to address them accordingly. The two stakeholder barriers that can be experienced are resistance to change and lack of authority. Physicians, who are one of the main stakeholders, are perceived to be the least supportive in EBP implementation (Jordan et al., 2021). Without their support, it can make the implementation process difficult. Resistance of practitioners to change from traditional practices to newer concepts introduced in EBP can be a barrier to the implementation process (Jordan et al., 2021). Moreover, some staff nurses feel that they lack authority to make changes in their unit or they do not have the “power” to implement the EBP project. One study suggested that majority of the nurses in a private ICU reported that they lacked the authority to change practice in order to facilitate the implementation of EBP (Jordan et al., 2021).

There are several strategies to gain stakeholder support. First, the support of physicians for the implementation of EBP should be encouraged (Jordan et al., 2021). It is important to keep an open communication between the researcher and physicians. Explaining the goals and benefits of the EBP project in improving patient care can help gain their support. Second, it is recommended to carefully identify individual barriers versus organizational barriers at an early stage (Jordan et al., 2021). Lastly, identifying your stakeholders as well as engaging them early in the EBP process is important because stakeholder buy-in is important for its successful implementation (“John Hopkins Nursing”, 2021). The goal is to gain their trust and confidence and gain as much support as possible for the successful project implementation.

Two stakeholder barriers during the implementation phase that I would most likely experience would be: a lack of support from the leadership and other team members and the lack of engagement from participants and their families.

The barrier that may be an issue for team members would be the lack of knowledge about EBP, the lack of skills needed to implement EBP, and the attitude and time to perform the interventions due to the heavy workload (DeNisco, 2021). The strategy that I can utilize to get the team engaged is to ensure that the staff were given education on the project, clearly define each role, provide a detailed discussion of the interventions and the expectations, and make sure the team understands that the goal of the project is in alignment with organizational goals. As far as leadership support, buy-in from organizational leaders is important for the utilization of resources for the project. In order to obtain leadership buy-in, the goal of the EBP should be in alignment with the organization’s efforts to improve the quality of care and reduction of costs.

The strategy that I can utilize to improve patient engagement and compliance is effective communication across multiple disciplines involved in teaching patients and families. Effective communication is a cornerstone for safety and quality in healthcare (Klingbeil & Gibson, 2018). Communicating clearly about the evidence and its implications and using shared decision-making techniques to arrive at care plans is a good strategy for keeping patients engaged in the EBP.

Effective communication is still the best strategy that I would give to anybody who is struggling with stakeholder support. You need to be clear, concise, knowledgeable, confident, compassionate, passionate, actively listen, open-minded and respectful.

NUR 590 Evidence Based Practice Project Week 5 Discussion References:

DeNisco, S. (Ed). (2021). Advanced practice nursing: Essential knowledge for the profession (4th Ed.). Jones and Bartlett Learning

Klingbeil, C. & Gibson, C. (2018) The teach back project: A system-wide evidence-based practice implementation, Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 42, 81-85.

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