What is the Christian view of the Nature of Human Persons, and Which Theory of Moral Status is it Compatible With?

What is the Christian view of the Nature of Human Persons, and Which Theory of Moral Status is it Compatible With?

What is the Christian view of the Nature of Human Persons, and Which Theory of Moral Status is it Compatible With?

The case study, “Fetal Abnormality,” presents ethical challenges that individuals face in dilemma situations concerning the sanctity of life-based on different worldviews or perspectives. In this case, four individuals make decisions and feelings about an unborn deformed fetus who has a 25% chance of being born with Down Syndrome. The fetus is yet to develop limbs, and medical scans show that the probability of growing them is less. The four people include Jessica, the expectant mother, her spouse, Marco, Maria, their religious aunt, and Dr. Wilson, the physician, with the fetus’s medical opinion. Marco is willing to support his wife based on any decision that she will make. Maria believes that Jessica has obligations as a mother before God and should carry the baby to its full term irrespective of the condition. Based on medical and scientific evidence, Dr. Wilson endorses the decision to terminate the fetus because of the possible abnormality that it carries. As such, these individuals have different ethical perspectives in determining the moral status of the unborn baby. The paper evaluates the ethical options by these people and shows the moral status of the fetus.

Christian View on Nature of Persons and Compatible Moral Status Model

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Life is sacred and given free by God and begins at conception. According to the Christian perspective, human life is superior and above all creatures because human persons are created in God’s image. Human beings’ exceptional nature is due to their ability to reason and have a sense of awareness that other creations lack. Humans have a clear language and are born as freed agents in God’s image (Stahl & Kilner, 2017). Christian perspective advances that human beings have intrinsic value and dignity, which form the basis of their existence in this world. They should act rationally and protect their moral status as conferred to them by God. They can make decisions about other creations, but taking any life belongs to God, the giver of that very life.

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Moral status is concerned with what individuals believe is valuable and what is not in one’s life, and how individuals conceive their decisions. Moral status determines the value linked to an individual, either born or not, but as long as they are alive. Imperatively, the most compatible theory with the Christian view on persons’ nature is the moral agency theory. The model agency perspective asserts that individuals have the ability, power, and freedom to select what they believe is acceptable and what is not. As such, relationships and interactions among human beings and other creations are based on the value based on life and protection and respect of human dignity. As free moral agents, human beings make decisions based on these aspects, and dignity depends on the degree of morality accepted by individuals and society (Stahl & Kilner, 2017). The implication is that righteousness comes based on free will, and humans should seek to protect all creatures, including fellow persons. The first obligation is this aspect is the protection of human life and its intrinsic value and dignity.

Determining the Fetus’s Moral Status

Jessica, Marco, Maria, and Dr. Wilson use various moral theories to determine the fetus’s moral status. Jessica understands that the baby will encounter hardships and place increased socioeconomic challenges on their resources and family. The baby will require specialized care based on its condition. On the other hand, as a Christian, Jessica understands that life is sacred and does not want to interfere with its sanctity. The baby has moral status, and she uses ethical agency theory by acting as a moral agent with free will to make choices that impact her life (Case, 2019). Jessica has considered all the alternatives, and while in a dilemma, believes that she should protect the unborn baby. She knows that the final decision on the fetus’s moral status rests with her perspective, and any decision that she takes will prevail. According to the ethical agency theory, the moral situation arises based on an individual’s ability to make choices as a moral agent based on free judgment concerning what is perceived as right or wrong. However, the baby cannot make decisions and thus lacks moral status or agency.

Marco has concerns about the potential socioeconomic burden of having a child with the medical team’s conditions. He understands that bringing up a child with Down Syndrome will constitute an increased financial obligation but is emphatic that he will support Jessica regardless of her decision (Simkulet, 2020). Therefore, based on these interactions and relationships, Marco uses the relational theory as he believes that his wife’s decision will be okay to him. Maria reminds Jessica of her obligations and roles as a mother and Christian and the need to respect God’s will. As a Christian, Maria emphasizes Jessica’s essential to seek God’s intentions and base her final decision on biblical and religious teachings. Maria is against the fetus’s termination and thus uses the divine command theory and the relational theory to advance that having a relationship with both God and the unborn child, Jessica should not terminate the fetus. Maria cannot demonstrate the baby’s moral status but applies divine logic to confer moral status to the fetus.

Dr. Wilson gives the family all information about the fetus’s status and its possible deformations and implications once it is born. The doctor believes that in his best opinion, the fetus should be terminated due to its deformity. His advice and opinion are based on medical information, knowledge, and experience. As such, the physician uses cognitive theory, which advances that an individual’s moral status begins when they have the rational ability and awareness (Andal, 2018). Based on medical facts, the doctor believes that the fetus has no rationality or attention. It would be difficult for it to attain these cognitive elements even after its birth. The implication is that the doctor believes that the fetus does not have moral status and does not sentience.

Impacts of Each Theory

The theories used by every person in the case study impacts their decision and opinions in the case. For instance, based on the cognitive model, Dr. Wilson is categorical that termination of the fetus is the best alternative because of the potential disabilities it shall have, which will impact the child’s quality of life. Jessica’s dilemma emanates from her utilization of the moral agency model and relational theory because she has a relationship with the fetus as its mother and God as a Christian and wife to Marco. She decides with knowledge about its potential impacts (Andal, 2018). The relationship between Jessica and Marco influences his decision about the fetus as he asserts that he shall support her irrespective of what action she takes. Maria’s opinion is influenced by Christian beliefs based on divine command theory. She encourages Jessica to consider the whole aspect of motherhood and her relationship with both the fetus and God, and the sanctity of life.

Theory Most Effective

Every person in the case expresses their opinion and uses the relative model to base the merits of their decisions. I believe that the moral agency theory and relational model are critical in this case. The moral agency determines the moral status of the fetus based on the existing relationship. This model transcends egocentrism and challenges one to consider the impact of their choices on another person’s life. Life is sacred and begins at conception. Therefore, Jessica, Marco, and Maria must consider their obligation before God and each other based on these theoretical perspectives. As moral agents with free will, they must make better decisions to benefit their family and relationship with God.


Individuals presented with critical challenges demonstrate and use different ethical perspectives in making significant decisions. People must consider the long-term implications of their choices and their consequences irrespective of how dire the situation may present. The unborn child’s moral status remains and should be founded on one’s rational thinking and cultural beliefs.














Andal, A. G.  (2018). Revisiting International Law’s Discussion on the Moral Status of the Fetus.

In Proceedings of Topical Issues in International Political Geography (pp. 327-338). Springer, Cham.

Case, M. A. (2019). Abortion, the Disabilities of Pregnancy, and the Dignity of Risk.

The University of Chicago, Public Law Working Paper, (705).

Stahl, D. & Kilner, J. F. (2017). The Image of God, Bioethics, and Persons with Profound

Intellectual Disabilities. The Journal of the Christian Institute on Disability, 6(1-2), 19-40. https://journal.joniandfriends.org/index.php/jcid/article/view/143

Simkulet, W. (2020). Abortion and Ectogenesis: Moral Compromise. Journal of Medical Ethics,

46(2), 93-98. http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/medethics-2019-105676

What is the Christian view of the Nature of Human Persons, and Which Theory of Moral Status is it Compatible With?

What is the Christian view of the nature of human persons, and which theory of moral status is it compatible with? How is this related to the intrinsic human value and dignity?
Which theory or theories are being used by Jessica, Marco, Maria, and Dr. Wilson to determine the moral status of the fetus? What from the case study specifically leads you to believe that they hold the theory you selected?
How does the theory determine or influence each of their recommendations for action?
What theory do you agree with? Why? How would that theory determine or influence the recommendation for action?

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what is the christian view of the nature of human persons, and which theory of moral status is it compatible with?
What is the Christian view of the Nature of Human Persons, and Which Theory of Moral Status is it Compatible With?

Jessica is a 30-year-old immigrant from Mexico City. She and her husband Marco have been in the United States for the last three years and have finally earned enough money to move out of their Aunt Maria’s home and into an apartment of their own. They are both hard workers. Jessica works 50 hours a week at a local restaurant and Marco has been contracting side jobs in construction. Six months before their move to an apartment, Jessica finds out she is pregnant. PHI-413V Fetal Abnormality Case Study Assignment

our months later, Jessica and Marco arrive at the county hospital, a large, public, nonteaching hospital. A preliminary ultrasound indicates a possible abnormality with the fetus. Further scans are conducted, and it is determined that the fetus has a rare condition in which it has not developed any arms and will not likely develop them. There is also a 25% chance that the fetus may have Down syndrome. PHI-413V Fetal Abnormality Case Study Assignment

Dr. Wilson, the primary attending physician, is seeing Jessica for the first time, since she and Marco did not receive earlier prenatal care over concerns about finances. Marco insists that Dr. Wilson refrain from telling Jessica the scan results, assuring him that he will tell his wife himself when she is emotionally ready for the news. While Marco and Dr. Wilson are talking in another room, Aunt Maria walks into the room with a distressed look on her face. She can tell that something is wrong and inquires of Dr. Wilson. After hearing of the diagnosis, she walks out of the room wailing loudly and praying aloud. PHI-413V Fetal Abnormality Case Study Assignment

Marco and Dr. Wilson continue their discussion, and Dr. Wilson insists that he has an obligation to Jessica as his patient and that she has a right to know the diagnosis of the fetus. He furthermore is intent on discussing all relevant factors and options regarding the next step, including abortion. Marco insists on taking some time to think of how to break the news to Jessica, but Dr. Wilson, frustrated with the direction of the conversation, informs the husband that such a choice is not his to make. Dr. Wilson proceeds back across the hall, where he walks in on Aunt Maria awkwardly praying with Jessica and phoning the priest. At that point, Dr. Wilson gently but briefly informs Jessica of the diagnosis and lays out the option for abortion as a responsible medical alternative, given the quality of life such a child would have. Jessica looks at him and struggles to hold back her tears. PHI-413V Fetal Abnormality Case Study Assignment.

Jessica is torn between her hopes of a better socioeconomic position and increased independence, along with her conviction that all life is sacred. Marco will support Jessica in whatever decision she makes but is finding it difficult not to view the pregnancy and the prospects of a disabled child as a burden and a barrier to their economic security and plans. Dr. Wilson lays out all of the options but clearly makes his view known that abortion is “scientifically” and medically a wise choice in this situation. Aunt Maria pleads with Jessica to follow through with the pregnancy and allow what “God intends” to take place and urges Jessica to think of her responsibility as a mother. PHI-413V Fetal Abnormality Case Study Assignment

It is nevertheless common for people (including health care professionals) to think and act in ways that assign higher or lower moral status to human persons based on certain characteristics and capacities. The following five theories of moral status are different views regarding what makes human persons valuable. Each of these theories will pick a certain set of characteristics or capacities and claim that a human person is valuable (i.e., has moral status) only if he or she possesses the relevant characteristic or capacity. Consider carefully each of the following theories: (1) a theory based on human properties, (2) a theory based on cognitive properties, (3) a theory based on moral agency, (4) a theory based on sentience, and (5) a theory based on relationships. PHI-413V Fetal Abnormality Case Study Assignment

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